Cocaine abuse

Cocaine is a powerful stimulus that works directly on the brain. Cocaine became known as the drug of the eighties and nineties, cocaine is not a cure "new", but the oldest known drugs
Coca is a natural stimulant of the oldest, the most powerful and most dangerous. 3000 years BC, ancient Incas in the Andes chew coca leaves to increase heart rate and breathing speed up, to counteract the thin air in the mountains, Peru original tribe while chewing coca leaves only at the religious ceremony
This taboo is violated, when Spanish troops invaded Peru in 1532. Indian workers forced to work in the Spanish silver mines were given coca leaf continues to be more easily controlled and enslaved.
Cocaine, was the first widely promoted cocaine as a tonic to cure depression and impotence.
1886, the popularity of the drug is growing rapidly, while John Pemberton using coca leaves as an ingredient of his new soft drink, Coca Cola. Securities that generate consumer excitement and powerful in helping skyrocketing popularity of Coca Cola at the turn of the century.
Maybe that's a brief history of cocaine, and its use in ancient times, but now we have to know that cocaine causes addiction and lead to physical and psychiatric disorders.highly addictive cocaine users will be driven by the need for continuous cocaine.
Does short-term effects of cocaine users?
Effects of cocaine occurred almost immediately after one dose and may disappear after a few minutes or hours later. Taken in small amounts (up to 100 milligrams), cocaine usually makes people feel happy, energetic, willing to talk and mentally alert to the feelings of visual, auditory and tactile. Cocaine can also cause lack of appetite and insomnia. Some consumers argue that the drug allows you to have physical and intellectual reactions more quickly, while others have experienced the opposite effect. The duration of immediate euphoric effect of cocaine comes from the way it is used. How much more rapid drug absorption, the more intense is the shorter period impacts and effects are slow and can take 15 to 30 minutes, while those resulting from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes.
Physiological effects in the short term, including cocaine produced by the contraction of blood vessels, increased body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. The large number (several hundred milligrams or more) intensify the effects on users, but can cause strange behavior, absurd and violent. These users may experience tremors, dizziness, muscle spasms, paranoia and, after repeated use, toxic reactions are very similar to that produced by amphetamine. Some users of cocaine report feelings of restlessness, irritability and anxiety. In rare cases the use of cocaine for the first time can cause sudden death. Deaths from cocaine are often sourced from cardiac or respiratory.

Does long-term effects of cocaine users?
Cocaine is a drug that causes a strong dependence. Once proven, an individual has accumulated a lot of difficulty in handling or restrict its use. He believes that the stimulation effects and dependence caused by cocaine are mostly the results of its ability to prevent uptake by the dopamine nerve cells. Dopamine is released by the brain as a system of rewards and is the basis, directly or indirectly, the main properties of all the abuse of addictive substances.
High tolerance to cocaine can be done by those who regularly consume, many say they become addicted and can not get the same level of excitement the first time. Some consumers are often increase the dosage to intensify and prolong the effects of . Along with tolerance, some users may be more sensitive to the effects of cocaine and conpulsivos drugs without an increase in intake. This high sensitivity can cause death after several doses of cocaine seem.
By continuing to use higher doses of cocaine, causing a condition of increased irritability, anxiety and paranoia and can lead to psychotic paranoia situation where the individual loses contact with reality and experiences auditory hallucinations situation.
Perhaps the above I have explained the history and effects of cocaine, now your time to say no to cocaine because the effects can be very dangerous. 
Sources: From Many Sources 


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