Dangers of cannabis

cannabis, such as having some form of tobacco leaf that is green, there are fingers of five, seven, or nine pieces of leaves in each leaf stem.In the latest research on marijuana, found there are 3 types of cannabis plants, namely : Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis.
The three types of cannabis crops were all contain THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) are different - different levels of levels for each type.THC Cannabis Indica types contain at most, followed by type of Cannabis sativa, Cannabis Ruderalis and type at least contain THC. 
THC is the psychoactive substance and the hallucinogenic effect is contained in whole on the cannabis plant, both leaves, branches, or seeds. Because this is the THC content, then every person who abused psychoactive effects of cannabis will be exposed to highly dangerous.

dangerous element of THC in marijuana, so for people who abuse marijuana for the first time only, will soon experience intoxication (poisoning) that marijuana is physically namely : palpitations (rapid heart rate be increased from the previous 50%), red eyes (due to dilation of capillaries in the eye), dry mouth (because the content of THC disrupt the autonomic nervous system that control the salivary glands), increased appetite (due to content of THC stimulates the appetite center in the brain), and fell asleep (after waking from sleep, physical impact will be lost).A psychic, marijuana abuse also causes a considerable impact as dangerous as the onset of anxiety (ansienitas) for 10-30 minutes, the onset of feelings of anxiety and fear of death, anxiety, being hyperactive (increased motor activity in excess), visual hallucinations (in the form flashes of light, color - bright colors, amorfiaq, shapes - geometric shapes, and faces - the faces of the figures. In addition, it could be in the form of sensory perception in the absence of visual and auditory stimuli, such as seeing people pass by but no one passing by, heard the voice but no vote), to change the perception of time and space (eg, one meter perceived ten meters, perceived one hour ten minutes), having Euphoric (excessive excitement), laughing - laughing for no reason (without stimulation that should make people laugh), talkative (feel great conversation), feels light on the entire limb loss, easily influenced, feel suspect (but do not cause fear, and even tends to scoff and laugh at him), felt better enjoy the music, experiencing excessive self-confidence (feeling her appearance despite the fact that the most powerful vice versa), experienced synesthesia (eg, seeing a yellow color every time I hear certain tones), and drowsy and slept soundly without dreams after experiencing hallucinations of sight for about 2 (two) hours.
What about the abuse of cannabis in low doses and were? The impact is also as dangerous, such as having Hilarity (make a scene), experiencing euphoria oquacous (burst of euphoria - laughing non-stop), change the perception of space and time, reducing the ability of coordination, and memory considerations, have increased the sensitivity of visual and auditory (but more toward hallucinations), experience conjunctivitis (inflammation of the respiratory tract), and had bronchitis (inflammation of the lungs - pulmonary).
 At high doses of cannabis abuse, the impact caused a marijuana abusers will experience the illusion (delusion), delusional (too much emphasis on the belief that is not real),depression (mental pressure), confusion, experiencing alienation (alienation), and hallucinations (sometimes, also accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as fear and aggression).
Dangers of cannabis abuse on a regular basis and also be fatal form of prolonged physical and psychological disorders. Physical disorders such as: having pneumonia - lung, suffered respiratory irritation and swelling, suffered damage to the coronary blood flow and likely to cause an attack of chest pain, a higher cancer risk (because of its carcinogenic found in marijuana are much higher than in tobacco ), decreased immune system so susceptible to disease (due to abuse of marijuana suppresses the production of leukocytes), and declining levels of both hormones growth hormone thyroxine (thyroid hormone) and sex hormones in male - male and female. 
Meanwhile, psychic disorders due to abuse of marijuana on a regular basis and prolonged cause: decreased ability to think, reading, speaking, numeracy, and hang out, impaired psychomotor function (body movements become sluggish), the tendency to avoid difficulties and problems treated lightly, not thinking about the future, and amotivasional syndrome occurrence (it has no zest for life).
Can we imagine, how terrible dangers arising from misuse of cannabis, even to stop someone who is already accustomed to halt abuse of marijuana also is no less dangerous, namely the emergence of withdrawal symptoms ("withdrawal syndrome") such as insomnia (difficulty sleeping), nausea, myalgia, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, fever, sweating, decreased appetite, photophobia (fear of light), depression (can result in the victim committed suicide desperate), confusion, yawning, diarrhea, weight loss (as a result of decreased appetite ate), and tremors (shaking body always).
To take care of marijuana abusers and victims recover, it takes care and rehabilitation therapy in an integrated manner that is now being organized by various NGOs and government agencies that "concern" to the problems of abuse and illicit drugs. 
source :  www.bnpjabar.or.id


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