Strawberry (fruit sweet and full benefits)

Who does not know the strawberry, its sweet taste is attractive and much-loved by everyone. But it reversed its tiny and adorable there is content that are beneficial to human body. Strawberries are one of the fruits of the Order Rosales, who is still one group with black berries, Raspberry, Cherry, plum, apricot, apples and pears. The fruit is spread all over the world, as many are found everywhere, so many people who consume strawberries.
This fruit has been consumed by us, but do we know the content and benefits that exist in strawberry fruit?? Here I will try to provide some content and benefits that exist in strawberries include : 

Nutritional Ingredients 
144 gr strawberries can provide about 45 kilo calories, which is derived from the carbohydrate content (10.1 grams), vegetable fat (0.35 grams) and protein (0.88 grams). Minerals that are inside do not lose a lot of that is, potassium (240 mg), phosphorus (27 mg), calcium (20 mg), magnesium (4 mg), sodium, iron, zinc, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. One reason is the much preferred strawberry vitamin c or askrobat acid that is equal to 82 mg per 144 grams of fruit. Also contains several types of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin K.

Strawberry Good For Body 
Vitamin E is present in strawberries can bind to free radicals in the body. Free radicals are chemical molecules that lose electrons and unstable, so it can bind to the cell body and damage the body's cells
Potassium is found in strawberries is an important substance in the body's balance electrolyte levels. Vitamin A is found in these fruits, can help prevent the formation of free radicals, vitamin C to keep the reaction hazard in the cell, vitamin E, ellagic acid can be tasked with protecting Binding Bari cell damage by free radicals. Ellagic acid will help immobilize the active work of cancer cells.
Strawberry fruit also has a very good therapeutic effect to prevent the disease leukemia, anemia (lack of blood) and blood diseases. Two kinds of substances contained in it, "strawberry amines" clan "tanae acid, has an effect and curb the growth of malignant tumors.

Strawberry is good for the skin 
concentrations of seven anti-oxidant substances higher than other fruits or vegetables, so the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body due to free radicals. Because the content of vitamins BI, B2, C and Pro Vitamin A in strawberries can smooth the skin and makes skin tones brighter, cleaner and can prevent occurrence of wrinkles on the skin. Strawberry is in the eating regularly can tighten, smooth, and makes colors brighter and cleaner skin.
Sources: From Many Sources 


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