Whether it's alcohol??

Alcohol is a toxic compound (toxic) are found in several types of beverages such as beer or wine. This compound is also known as ethanol, derived from the fermentation of carbohydrates by certain microorganisms.
Shortly after the drinking, alcohol will be absorbed quickly by the walls of the digestive tract and into the bloodstream. By the liver (liver) in the metabolism of alcohol would be other compounds. The rate of alcohol metabolism by the liver is usually pretty fast, so that in a short time alcohol in the blood will be lost
Liver can be damaged because they have to work continuously. Damage can be a fatty liver which leads to alcoholic cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a term used to describe downsizing hearts. If this happens, the liver function to neutralize the other compounds will be disrupted.
Alcohol addiction 
Ethanol is an alcohol that can be taken that causes a lot of people get addicted to alcohol or alcoholism. Although alcoholism is actually difficult to define precisely, but some experts agree that the definition of alcoholism should be focused on the frequency of symptoms due to drink-liquor itself Or in other words the features highlighted in alcoholism is a strong desire or a person's reliance on ethanol to the point that people are just busy thinking "when am I going to drink again!" And the unavailability of ethanol to drink for himself is a very 'painful'. Addiction to alcohol is usually accompanied by nervous system and muscular disorders. And in the early stages, the ethanol in the body causes the buildup of substances that contain fat (fatty) in the liver in advanced stages of cirrhosis can be a disease, a disorganization of liver disease difficult to cure.
Malnutrition, also exacerbate the causes of alcoholism are often not directly medical disorders in severe alcohol abusers. 

The influence of alcohol against the Body
The pain that usually attacks the after drinking alcohol excessively. Hangover symptoms generally appear about 4 to 6 hours after drinking alcohol and lost about 48 to 72 hours after the last drink. The symptoms associated with a hangover are headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, irritability, poor judgments, and sensitive to light.
This occurs due to excessive levels of gastric acid in the stomach that is triggered by alcohol. Through vomiting, alcohol and toxins in the stomach will be reduced and removed. But too much vomiting can also cause stomach is irritated by the acid so that there is pain in the abdomen.
Alcohol causes dehydration or fluid loss, so the body tries to replace water lost by taking the water, including the brain. As a result of brain volume to shrink and cause head pain.
frequent urination
Dehydration after drinking alcohol one of them happened because drinkers become more frequent urination or urination. By drinking alcohol the body will dispose of body fluids four times more than normal conditions. In addition, due to dehydration mouth and throat feels dry
In the short term alcohol can provide relaxation, but rubbing alcohol can unwittingly contribute to the development of depression. About 40% of heavy drinkers showed signs of depression.
Effects of alcohol for the body does not only happen in the short term. Excessive alcohol consumption over the long term very detrimental to our health. Even eating a little bit just to facilitate interaction can be exposed to any bad effects. Among others are :
brain disorders   
The brain and central nervous system is affected by the first damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption. The emergence of this damage is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, memory loss, dementia. A study published in the American journal Archives of Neurology states that alcohol consumption may decrease the volume of the human brain. The more alcohol you drink, the smaller brain volume. Alcohol also triggers the constriction of blood vessels in the brain thus increasing the risk of stroke.
heart disease  
Excessive alcohol use in the long run can contribute to high blood pressure disorders, heart disease, and heart failure. Drinking too little can cause the heart rate becomes irregular.
Alcohol can interfere with the digestive tract which it passes by damaging cells in the digestive system so that the absorption and destruction of nutrients undisturbed. Part of esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, and oral cancer related to alcohol.
liver damage
The hardest working organ to detoxify the alcohol in the body by the liver. Because the work is too heavy, then the liver can be susceptible to interference, such as accumulation of fat in the liver and cirrhosis of the liver disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is scarring or scar tissue that replaces the liver cells are healthy so that employment and impaired liver function.
Disorders of the kidney
Under normal circumstances, renal function regulate water balance, acid-base, and some hormones and minerals the body. Consumption of alcoholic beverages can affect kidney function and damage the balance in this organ.
Alcohol can increase the risk of cancer in certain body parts, through various mechanisms.One of them, alcohol activates certain enzymes which are capable of producing cancer-causing compounds. In addition to the gastrointestinal tract, cancer can also occur in liver, lung, and throat.
reproductive disorders 
Alcohol can disrupt the hormonal balance that brings on menstrual cycle disorders and infertility. It's important to remember. that alcohol consumption in pregnancy is dangerous. This can cause a miscarriage, or alcohol syndrome can also occur in infants who are born as retarded growth, defects, disorders of the organs or even death of infants in the womb.
Source: from many sources


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