In contrast of cancer cells will divide continues even if the body does not need it, so it will happen accumulation of new cells are called malignant tumors. Stacking the cells are urgent and damage normal tissue, thus disturbing the organs they occupy. Cancer can occur in various tissues in various organs in each body, from feet to head. When cancer occurs on the surface of the body, will be easily detected and treated. But if there is in the body, the cancer will be difficult to know, and sometimes have no symptoms.Although symptoms occur, they usually have an advanced stage that it is difficult to treat.
Types of cancer
Cancer is not just a single type of disease but a collection of some diseases. More than 100 types of cancer have been found. Most cancers are named for the organ or cell type in which cancer cells begin to be.
Here are some categories of cancer:
carcinoma That is the type of cancer that originates from cells lining the surface of the body or surface of the body channels, such as tissues such as skin cells, testis, ovary, mucus glands, melanin cells, breast, cervix, colon, rectum, stomach, pancreas, and esophagus.
lymphoma That is the type of cancer that originate from blood-forming tissues, such as lymphoid tissue, lacteal, spleen, various lymph nodes, thymus, and bone marrow. Specific lymphomas include Hodgkin disease (cancer of the lymph nodes and lymph)
leukemia This type of cancer does not form a tumor mass, but meet the blood vessels and interfere with normal blood cell function.
sarcoma That is the type of cancer in which the supporting tissues in the body surface such as connective tissue, including cells found in muscle and bone.
Glioma Which is cancer of the nervous system, such as glia cells (supporting tissue) in the central nervous system.
Carcinoma in situ That is the term used to describe abnormal epithelial cells are still limited in certain areas so it is still considered prainvasif lesion (disorder / injury that has not spread)
Cancer-causing factors
The cause of the cancer usually can not be known for certain because the causes of cancer can be a combination of a set of factors, genetic and environmental. But there are several factors that allegedly increase the risk of cancer, as follows:
Genetic factors cause some families have a higher risk for certain cancers when compared with other families. The type of cancer tends to run in families is breast cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer and colon cancer. For example, a woman's risk for cancer patients increased 1.5 s / d 3 times if the mother or sister had breast cancer.
Environmental factors
Ultraviolet rays from the sun
Ionizing radiation (which is carcinogenic) is used in x-ray beam generated from nuclear power plants and atomic bombs that could reach a great distance.
Factors Foods that contain chemicals
Food also can be an important risk factor for other causes of cancer, particularly cancers of the digestive tract. Example: acidified foods (pickles), beverages that contain alcohol, use of excessive food coloring,etc.
And suspected virus that can cause cancer, among others:
Papilloma virus causes genital warts (genital) presumably is one cause of cervical cancer in women.
Cytomegalovirus causes Kaposi's sarcoma (cancer of the blood vessel system which is characterized by red skin lesions)
Hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer.
Epstein - Bar (in Africa) causes Burkitt lymphoma, whereas in China this virus causes cancer of the nose and throat. This occurs because of environmental and genetic factors.
Retro virus in humans such as the HIV virus causes lymphoma and other blood cancers.
Parasite Schistosoma (bilharzia) may cause bladder cancer due to chronic irritation of the bladder. However, other chronic irritants do not cause cancer.
Infection by Clonorchis that cause pancreatic cancer and biliary tract.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that may be the cause of gastric cancer, and allegedly this bacterium causes gastric injury and chronic inflammation resulting in increased speed of the cell cycle.
Behavioral factors
The behavior in question is smoking and eating foods that contain lots of fat and cured meats are also drinkers of alcoholic beverages.
Sexual behavior that is having sex at an early age and frequently changing sexual partners.
Disruption of hormonal balance
The hormone estrogen stimulates cell growth function that tends to encourage the occurrence of cancer, while progesterone protects the occurrence of excessive cell growth.
There is a tendency that an excess of estrogen and progesterone deficiency causes an increased risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer in his testicles.
Psychological factors (emotional factor)
Stress can cause severe disruption to the company balance the body's cell. Continuous state of tension that can affect the cells, where cells become hyperactive and transformed into malignant properties of cancer causing.
free radicals
Free radical is an atom, group of atoms, or molecules that have unpaired electrons that are free in the circle outside.
Sources of free radicals which are:
Free radicals are formed as byproducts of metabolic processes.
Free radicals enter the body in the form of toxic chemical toxins from food, drinks, polluted air, and ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Excessive production of free radicals when we eat too much (have an impact on metabolic processes) or when we are in a state of excessive stress, whether physical stress, psychological, and biological.
Early symptoms of cancer
a study in Europe has been researching some early signs that could be used as a handle for the early detection of cancer. While not giving the results of 100%, but this study at least open our eyes to immediately conduct further tests if found the following symptoms:
Hematuri (Urine Blood)
Hematuri or (urinating blood) is a discharge of blood with particular concentration in the urine / piss both of which could be observed with the naked eye or with the aid microscopic. The sensitivity of these symptoms was 59% in men and 52% in women means that 59% of men who suffer from these symptoms will develop cancer, while for women by 52%.
Hemoptysis (coughing blood)
Hemoptysis, or coughing up blood is a discharge of blood with a certain concentration through both the respiratory tract that can be directly observed with the naked eye or with the aid microscopic. Figures sensitivity is quite low at only 22% for males and 14% for women. These symptoms usually occur in cancer that attacks the respiratory tract cancers either upper respiratory or lower.
Dyspaghia (Swallowing Disorders)
Dyspaghia or swallowing disorder usually occurs in cancer cancer that attacks the upper digestive tract. Sensitivity values were high enough that 58% of these symptoms are likely to suffer from cancer in men and 54% in women.
Rectal Bleeding (dysentery)
Rectal Bleeding or discharge dysentery is a particular concentration of blood through the channels dirt / anus that can be directly observed with the naked eye or with the aid microscopic. type of cancer that commonly cause symptoms like this early is a cancer of the colon. The sensitivity of these symptoms to the occurrence of cancer in numbers ranging from 33% for males and 25% for women.
General prevention of cancer
Prevention of cancer is a common way of reducing exposure to carcinogenic materials, such as not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high-fiber foods like vegetables and fruits, live physically active, seeking the ideal body weight, and live a healthy pattern. Prevention can also be done by screening or screening for the possibility of getting cancer. Cancer screening test is intended to determine the possibility of cancer so as to reduce the number of deaths from cancer because if cancer is found at a very early stage, where the cancer has not spread further, the cancer usually can be treated and provide optimal results.
source: taken from many sources
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