5 Foods Prevent Cancer

5 Foods cancer prevention needs to know you. Because cancer incidence is primarily on the types of food eaten and consumed. The selection of food is very influential on the causes of the cancer disease. Therefore it is very need to know what foods can prevent cancer so it is good to eat.
Besides drinking, food has become a main intake on any day before or even after doing the activity. The selection of foods is necessary to carefully and very important to select in order to avoid the disease of cancer. Because cancer can be derived from food and also avoid it or prevent it from can of food.
Although in a study found that no single food can prevent cancer, but if these foods combined with the right mix will be able to prevent cancer. There are many kinds of alloys types of food that can be consumed as a means of prevention against cancer, such as eating foods that do not contain much fat especially foods that contain lots of sugar and salt, eat fruits and vegetables is highly recommended in terms of prevention of the cancer disease. Moreover, it can also incorporate foods like whole grains and beans for consumption.
Among the many alloy types of food and fruits can prevent cancer include:

  • Wine types of fruits, mentioned can prevent cancer, especially breast cancer, leukemia and lymph nodes, liver and others. Because in this type of fruit wines contained a chemical known polyphenols, and resveratrol has potent antioxidant and antiinflamantory compounds. Resveratrol is known to prevent or menghampat growth of breast cancer, leukemia, and skin cancer. Resveratrol content of most types of fruit can be found in red wine and purple grape. In addition, in the purple grapes and crimson of the presence of the growth-preventing substance Topoisomirase II Human DNA, which is known to trigger cancer growth in a person's body, the substance is known to named substances Anthocyannins.
  • Fish oil, fish oil is known in the womb that has omega 3 can reduce tumor growth. Besides content contained in fish oil can also prevent the growth of cancer in the human body if consumed regularly for example by consuming 8 times in a month or 2 times a week.
  • Oranges, which is known to have a good amount of vitamin C for health, also has a function to prevent cancer, especially stomach cancer. Of course with this citrus fruit consumed at least 1 times a day.
  • Soybeans, on the content of these foods are the active ingredient that may help prevent stomach cancer, lung cancer, cervix cancer, bladder disease, ovarian and breast cancer. The content contained in this like Saponins Soy, isoflavones, phytic acid, and so forth.
  • Rice, namely whole grains have fiber, phytocemical, minerals and vitamins as found in whole grains ie wheat and rice wheat pasta, brown rice and so forth. And in whole grains are the compounds which are known to degrade and reduce the risk of cancer.
In addition to five types of food that can prevent cancer as mentioned above, there are many more types of food that is useful for preventing cancer. The most important thing you can combine the types of food to consume on a regular basis as one way and attempt to avoid the disease of cancer.      


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