Tips Healthy Food Consumption

Look pretty and has a slim body is a must for women. Not infrequently, they go on a diet by consuming healthy and nutritious foods. But, for those who are not dieting still need to know the rules of healthy nutrition and nutrition
In general, you might like to consume any food when you eat. However, begin to pay attention to the food to be eaten in order to maintain health and also can keep your weight steady. However, to successfully run a healthy life with nutritious foods that specific strategies need to be done. Here are tips to eat healthy nutritious food and as quoted from GeniusBeauty.
  • Replace unhealthy food products with healthy ones.For example, sugar is replaced with honey or sausage with meat.
  • Do not eat too much. Do not fill the stomach full of food. Eat when you feel hungry.
  • The proportion of nutrients every day is ideal, 3 / 5 of the ration should be carbs, 1 / 5 of fat and 1 / 5 protein.  
  • Consume fruits separately from food
  • Use vegetable oil for main dishes and do not forget the salad
  • Avoid fried foods, it is better to bake or boil on the stove.
  • Try not to mix proteins with starch, starch with fat, fat with protein and so on.     


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