Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the skin at an abnormal level. Cause of skin cancer is different and the level of malignancy of cancer was different. Skin cancer most commonly occurs in layers of squamous cells, basal and melanocytes. Skin cancer usually grows in the epidermis (outermost layer of skin), so that the tumor (lump) can be seen from the outside, so that skin cancer is a type of cancer is most easily found symptoms in its early stages. skin cancer is also the least risk of cancer death in people, this is because the skin is rarely able to reach vital organs like the heart, lungs, kidneys and brain stem in humans.
In view of holistic therapy, the causes of cancer are the same, namely because of the large oxidant substances in the body. But skin cancer can also be caused by the presence of radioactive rays, ultraviolet light, directly without the barrier (safety).
Because of its location in the skin, skin cancer is more easily recognized and more easily handled. However, patients with skin cancer should still be careful because it could happen metathesis (spread) to other organs.
Skin cancer generally comes from a mole or blackish spots are rather prominent. Malignant skin cancer there are three types, namely:
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) . Is a type of skin cancer is most common. This type of cancer has not spread (metastasize) other body gets, but cancer cells can grow and cause damage to surrounding skin tissue. Skin color is bright and often exposed to sunlight glowing both suspected as the cause of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Other factors that also may be the cause of this cancer type is a weak immune system (both the impact of other diseases or medications), burns, X-ray beam.
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Is a type of skin cancer affects more men, especially the elderly. This is the type of skin cancer in which malignant cells occurs epidermal keratinocytes, is the second most common skin cancer. SCC of skin cancer can spread to other parts of the body, generally suffered by those in tropical region. Like BBC disease, this type of skin cancer is also suspected due to sunlight (dominant), Immune weak body, viruses, chemicals and scar tissue can also cause this Disease. The signs and symptoms is to have abnormalities in the form of lumps or sores that do not heal. Diagnosis is established by the same method in BBC, as well as therapy and treatment measures tend to be similar to basal cell cancer.
- Malignant melanoma (MM) It is a type of skin cancer is the most virulent and potentially lethal. In the United States, the data obtained six of the seven patients died of cancer. And the number of people who develop increased from year to year. Malignant Melanoma can develop from a mole arise existing or newly emerging.
The characteristics and symptoms when a person has skin cancer characterized by the presence of moles on the surface of the skin. mole has the following characteristics:
- Asymmetric -> form asymmetrical mole, the left and right are different.
- Border -> boundary edges mole uneven and rough-textured
- Color -> moles have a graded color and uneven
- Diameter -> large mole is larger than the diameter of a pencil
- Evolution -> moles vary in size, shape, or color
- A mole that feels itchy, small wounds that bleed continuously and never healed, or brown dots on the hands, feet, or under the nails
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