Tips To Avoid Depression

Depression is a condition that more than a sad state, when the depressed person's condition to cause the disruption of their daily social activities then it is called as a depression disorder. Some of the symptoms of disorders Depression is a feeling of sadness, excessive tiredness after activity a regular routine, lost interest and enthusiasm, lazy bunch, and disruption of sleep patterns. Depression is one of the major causes of suicide.

Several factors cause depression
  • Organobiologis factors due to imbalances in brain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin
  • Psychological factors as psychic load pressure, the impact of the learning behavior of a social situation
  • Socio-environmental factors such as loss of spouse, job loss, post-disaster, the impact of everyday life situations other
Here are tips that maybe you can employ to avoid depression  
  • Make realistic goals and consider also a number of consequences
  • Break large tasks into a number of small tasks.
  • Do it when you are able to do so.
  • Postpone big decisions in life, such as changing jobs, getting married or divorced when you're depressed.
  • Try sharing your feelings with someone. Often sharing feelings better than secretive and keep it to myself
  • Let family, friends and friends help you.
  • When you do not feel motivated, try participating in religious activities, social or other activities.
  •  Exercising regularly  
  • Intake of a balanced diet. If you lose your appetite, eat light meals rather than large meals.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or using drugs and treatments are not recommended.  This treatment may affect the treatment you are currently living and make your depression worse
  • Enough sleep. If you have trouble sleeping problems do the following things: Go to bed every night at the same hour, more importantly, get up at the same time every morning. Keep your bedroom comfortable and fuss-free sound, Do not exercise after 17:00 pm, Avoid caffeinated beverages after 17:00 pm and avoid the use of sleeping pills or alcohol because it will make your sleep disturbed and can affect depression medications you use.
  • Be patient and be kind to yourself. Remember that you are experiencing depression is not a mistake and you can not get out of trouble with his own strength. Care is needed to depression as well as for other diseases.Try to keep a positive attitude-remember that creating a better feeling that takes time, and your feelings will get better little by little.You can also use a cognitive approach to therapy according to your personal method.  
Hopefully the tips above tips can help you 


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