Do not Ignore Sore Throat

Sore throat tends to be ignored. In fact, if allowed to drag on, this inflammation can lead to the emergence of other diseases.
Almost everyone has experienced sore throat. However, not many want to see her doctor before the pain became more severe throat. In fact, they usually just go to the doctor when inflammation is severe, barely able to swallow food again.
Strep throat is actually not the name of the disease. He was but a symptom of various diseases that arise. In terms of health, sore throat usually called pharyngitis
Complaints that appear vary, from just itching in the throat to severe pain was so painful to swallow Does not end there, stress and overwork can weaken the immune system and trigger a throat infection. The cause of sore throat is mixed. Could be due to viral infection, bacterial infection, up to allergies and irritation. 
Can all be transmitted through saliva, which came out when coughing, or found on the hands or personal items with an infection. The average incubation period of sore throat between two to five days. However, if caused by viruses, the incubation period ranges from three days to two weeks.
Infections caused by influenza virus is contagious and is easily spread. In this condition, inflammation lasts about three to ten days. Generally, the inflammation was more severe in the morning and gets better as the days goes.

Usually accompanied by weakness, decreased appetite, fever, and cough. Sore throat is also found in other viral infections such as boils and measles. The body needs a week to build up antibodies to destroy the viruses
Infectious mononucleosis, or which is generally caused by a virus called Epstein Barr Mono, and takes longer to heal. This virus affects the lymphatic system, causing enlargement of the tonsils and white patches appear on its surface. In addition, swelling of glands in the neck.
Such infections usually cause a severe sore throat, thus making the patient having trouble breathing. This virus also causes fatigue that can last more than six weeks.
Transmission can also occur from the mouth to the hand, then from hand to mouth or from the use of towels or cutlery together.
For bacteria, the most common and most serious in terms of complication is the group A streptococcus betahemolitis These bacteria cause strep throat and diseases associated with damage to valves in the heart (rheumatic fever) and kidneys (nephritis), tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and ear infections.Another cause of sore throat is laryngo-pharyngeal reflux (LPR).
Patients typically experience pain in the throat in the morning when stomach acid rises to the top and into the back of the throat
Felt a lump in the throat and acid taste. Patients often spend phlegm to clear the throat.
In addition, the sore throat can also be caused by the habit of breathing through the mouth, allergies, trapping foreign objects such as fish bone in the throat, air pollution, alcohol, or cigarettes. Heat a dry winter and breathes through the mouth due to chronic nasal obstruction also causes dry and sore throat.
From various causes, the most common cause is a viral infection. The bacteria that most commonly causes sore throat is streptococcus bacteria about 15-30 percent of cases.
In most cases, these complaints will subside by itself. To help ease the pain, doctors usually prescribe a pain reliever is. For example, acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen can help to overcome pain and fever. Gargling with warm salt water can also help. It could also anesthetic mouthwash.


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