Easy Tips to Prevent Acne

Acne is a problem that is quite disturbing for anyone, especially for women who always wanted a smooth and beautiful face. Many ways to help prevent acne, but not a few who fail and even exacerbate the damage to the facial skin.
Do you include people who have problems with acne on the face? If yes, this will certainly interfere with your performance. But you do not worry, because this skin problem can be prevented quite easily

Causes of Acne 
Before coming to prevent acne facial skin, you need to know what causes acne.
  • Dust is the most common cause of acne. Faces is part of the body which must always be open and have more sensitive skin than other body parts. Therefore, the dirty little could allow the appearance of acne.
  • Apart from the outside, can also cause acne from within, namely the production of excess oil glands in the body, particularly in layers of facial skin.
  • Stress or depression that has continually proven to increase the risk of acne on the face.
Tips to Prevent Acne
Here are some tips to prevent acne come on your face.
  • Each completed activity outside the home, do not be lazy to always clean your face so that all dirt and grime quickly disappear.
  • Each up and going to bed, make it a habit to wash your face first. When going to sleep, facial skin needs to rest with a clean condition.When I wake up, usually the skin will be oily, this is the facial oils that must be cleaned.
  • When washing the face, get used to wearing warm water to the pores can be more open and dirt is really no trace in the skin pores
  • Use special facial soap in order to prevent acne can be more optimal.
  • When at work, avoid touching your face too often by hand.The palm of the hand is the source of dirt, germs and bacteria that can cause acne on the face.
  • If you are a woman with a ponytail hairstyle, get your hair bangs are always clean or cleansing routine. Dirt, dust, and sweat could be trapped in the hair and then stick pony continued on the forehead. This can cause forehead acne.
  • Choose cosmetics that suits your skin and keep wearing the same product. The use of many types of cosmetics can cause skin damage and acne.
  • Avoid prolonged stress or depression, and sleep enough every day.         
  • Keep your food nutritional balance. Expand eat vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamins to make skin more healthy and avoid acne problems. 


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