Healthy Eating

Not a bit of a chronic disease triggered by the wrong diet. Say such as hypertension, gout, kidney failure, coronary heart disease and even cancer. Thus the danger that threatens, among others caused by eating excessive or deficient.
In principle to obtain a healthy body shape is actually easy. Suffice it to implement a regular life, adequate rest, regular exercise, avoid stress and eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet is a diet that contains all the elements the body needs balanced nutrition, good protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Where is the source of nutrition must also be selected that naturally. Here are some of the easiest steps to initiate the program undergo a conversion to a healthy diet:

  • Avoid foods that are rich in fat content. Usually found on foods that are cooked with oil-rich, butter, margarine, and coconut milk. But it is not mean the human body does not need fat. Natural fat intake for the human body is already fulfilled by eating nuts or seeds
  • Avoid foods that contain preservatives. Even if forced to buy food in containers, then choose which lists clearly marked "no preservatives" on the packaging. Various studies say, though consuming preservatives in doses below normal for consumption, the use of long-term timescales, preservatives are the main triggers the onset of cancer.
  • It is important to pay attention to the techniques in food processing. Because to some extent affect the quality of food processing. Choose foods that have been through the process of processing methods of cooking in steamed, boiled or stir-fry with a little oil Method of frying, grilling and burned less is recommended to be consumed. Because besides containing much fat, this cooking method also destroys the nutritional value of food due to high heat.
  • Avoid adding spices flavoring in excess. But it would be better to avoid this food. Because the elements of monosodium glutamate compounds contained in the seasonings of your tongue but do not cheat for the health of your body.
  • Expand consume fruits and vegetables. In addition to a healthy body, healthy body became more awake. The body was free of cancer risk. The majority of fruits and vegetables contain fiber that can bind carcinogen that is a cause of gastrointestinal cancer. But that does not mean that all fruit is healthy, avoid fruit durian, durian because the fat contained very high.And as much as possible avoid chips, where this fruit contains a purine as the main originator of uric acid. One important thing to remember, wash with clean vegetables and fruits before eating to avoid bacterial contamination and pesticide residues.
  • Avoid food offal, fat, brain, food was gravy thick coconut milk, chicken skin and egg yolks.These foods are a source of fat causes obesity and cardiovascular disorders. Divert options to the meat without fat, the food was a clear broth, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg whites and fish as the best source of protein.
  • Expand drinking water. 80% of our body fluids, if we lack the fluid level, then the performance of some vital organs join disturbed. Do not consume alcoholic beverages, sodas and drinks with high sugar content and caffeine. Vegetable and fruit juices are also good for keeping and maintaining a healthy body.
  • Do not get used to eating and drinking are colored. Choose foods or beverages that natural translucent color. With the exception of foods that have natural color of the food itself, such as chocolate, red strawberries etc. Because the coloring agent in food is one of the main triggers the onset of cancer in the body.       


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